Thursday, July 7, 2011

About Fireflies in molasses

Not Orion,
not Betelgeuse,
tell me, what do they look like?
Answer, you damned little Arabs!
Sir, fireflies caught in molasses.

Names (1971)
Derek Walcott 

This blog is not about poetry, post-colonialism, or Derek Walcott. Despite me not being a poem lover, these lines from post-colonial Caribbean poet Derek Walcott have stayed in my mind. Hence, they get to be the privileged title name of my blog.

Having grown out of that phase <and it was a long one> when I looked down upon blogs <reasons for which I do not remember> to having fallen in the trap of self-aggrandizement by bestowing myself with a self-proclaimed honour of a writer and as they put it 'carving a niche for myself', right here in front of my eyes and at the tip of my finger, I confess, I started to feel the itch.
And here I am!

Sharing my almost everyday experiences with social reality and unsocial apparition like underbelly of our society, I will use this forum to articulate my feelings and draw my reflections on the glimpses of the world as I see it on Mondays and Tuesdays, which happen to be my field work days in the domain of 'Social Work'. Being a second year student of Social Work of Tata Institute Of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, I spend a substantial amount of my time of the twenty four hours of the first two days of the week 'in the field', in close quarters of the invisible, unheard, and mis<un>understood reality. What I learn, understand, see, hear is what I write here.  

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